Winner of the Lindsay Maxwell Charitable Fund Cleveland Grand Prix!

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Taylor Land and Liroy 30 wins by seconds. In one of the largest fields of top-notch riders and their equine athletes, Taylor and Liroy 30 flew over huge obstacles to win the $50,000 prize. The course was challenging with tight turns and huge jumps. In 2nd place – Lauren Hester and cooper 166, 3rd place – Thaisa Erwin and Evita, 4th place – Hector Florentino and Venus, 5th place – Hayley Barnhill and Halibo Van Texelhof, 6th place – Alexa Lowe and Forget Me Not Windsor Z, 7th place – Ali Wolfe and Exotik Sitte, 8th place – Teri Kessler and Sambuka de Lurberri, 9th place – Marion Head and Carjo Z, 10th place – Hayley Barnhill and Imprimis, 11th place – Megan Bash and Dayla, and 12th place – Jorja Rose Jones and Light Show


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